Welcome everyone to our website and first attempt at blogging. It's been so fun to see what is going on in our friends' lives through their pictures and stories and blogs. We hope that this will be a chance for the Beardsley's to share some of our life with our friends and family! A little background for the first blog.... Matt and I were married in August of 2006 and moved in September to live and work in Santiago, Chile. We are here working for Mission to the World and San Marcos Church until the end of June 2007. We have a sweet cat, named Mocha, and are expecting another little boy in our lives in September....
In this first blog I wanted to share some pictures of our apartment. Matt worked very hard to make a home for me in Chile before he returned to the states for our wedding. I returned to an apartment already arranged and furnished that looked almost exactly like it does now. He did an amazing job! These pictures show our living/dining room, office, and bedroom. It has been a wonderful apartment for the first year and will be hard to leave (especially to go home to no furniture)!

We really enjoy our giant sofa(which stretches along the other wall also) especially when we have company. The sofa has truly made it's rounds in our church here. We had our friend Courtney over who was working here for 4 months but used to live here when she was younger. She saw the couch and immediately said "Hey! That's my couch!" Her family had it like 10 years ago when they were living in Chile.

Matt picked out the color for this room and painted it himself!! The light on the ceiling (which you can't really see) even matches! It feels very relaxing.
1 comment:
I'm actually really excited I got mentioned. I love that couch.
I've been meaning to email you since I got your email to send a really really big congratulations your way. So CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so excited for you guys. And by the way Courtney's a really good name for boys, too. Just... so you know.
Also. Holy Mocha's big.
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