Monday, March 8, 2010

Facing Facebook

So I'm probably the only person left in the world in the 24 -29 year old demographic who doesn't have facebook.

I know I need to get it...

Sometimes I'll poke around in Matt's fb account just to see what is going on with friends but then I end up wanting to comment, or "like" or something and I'm stuck.  Maybe twice I've just commented as him and written (it's Laurie), and he's been very patient with me.

I know it's time to take the plunge, I have so many questions.  I think I need a lesson in facebook etiquette. Like poking for example.  Why don't people poke?  What is the purpose of poking?  What if I want to poke someone?  If no one does it, why is it there?  What do you do when you get a friend request you don't want?  Is it ok to send friend requests to people you only know through other people if you want to keep up with them?  If you update your status everyday does that mean you have too much free time?  What if I make an account and then 3 weeks later, my only friend is still my husband????  What is the difference between your "wall" and your "home".  What is "wall - to - wall" ??

So what do you think friends?  Can you help me learn a little about facebook?  Will you send me friend invitations.  I am wondering.... You all TOTALLY dropped the ball on my asking for Crock-pot recipes.  (I am very disappointed in all you wives and mommies out there....I know you use your crock-pot.  Stingy recipe sharers!)

Leave me a recipe (last blog)!  Tell me you are dying for me to join facebook and you'll be my first friend!  Answer one of my facebook questions for me so I don't go "poking" the wrong person.   hehehe

Show a girl a little bit of encouragement!

(and come back and visit later for a second blog today!!)


Susannah Forshey said...

*jumps up and down* I'll be your friend! I'll be your friend!!! Get on facebook, girl, and then you don't have to avoid answering your phone anymore. You can just hide behind the internet. Which is faceless. :)

lislynn said...

I will too :) And here's my FB survival guide:

Don't pay any attention to anything other than your own status updates, your comments on other people's status updates and the occasional post to someone's wall. Other than that? Just hit "Ignore" on everything that comes to you :)

The Sinks said...

And as far as facebook, I just do status updates (mostly complaining to the anonymous facebook public...), read friend's updates, and use it to communicate with people who I know I can reach better via facebook than elsewhere. I haven't gotten into any of the other programs/games, etc. Too much...and I've never poked anyone, even tho I've been poked, and never given gifts, etc. I just hope that people understand that I just dont' do that.

Imperfect and Overwhelmed said...

Hurrah! I would love to FB friend you ~and~ school you in all things social networkish! Quick lesson number one: Poking is goofy, don't do it, and just ignore it if it is done to you. You can totally ignore friend requests, it doesn't send a message to that person letting them know that you ignored them. The same goes if you want to de-friend someone... fear not, they won't receive a Dear John notification. You'll without a doubt have tons of friends by three weeks, so don't worry about that! I think you should bring the boys over for a playdate, and while they are having fun we can have a hands on FB tutorial. And maybe some frozen yogurt. :)

La Familia Garcia said...

Yay do facebook. I don't get on much (cause it can be sooooo time consuming!) but I love connecting with new/old friends

Rebecca said...

finally laurie! i'll be your friend-- and then maybe we'll actually chat! You can ignore friend requests without them knowing...

Anonymous said...

haha, I just stumbled across your blog... my two cents is-- don't get sucked into fb! I finally escaped about a month ago :-) I deleted my account, but seriously, it's rather addicting. And it makes it too easy to keep superficial relationships...